Many of us, when we reflect on our experience in school, believe that reading, writing, and arithmetic were
taught to us in academic contexts that may not have helped us
prepare for life after high school and career paths.
Core academics are important, but academic-style reports & expository writing; novels & classic literature; algebra, trigonometry, & abstract geometry are not part of the skill-sets that many of us will use in our careers. Business education is important. It is authentic and "real-world". It is about exploring the world-of-work.
Academic skills are the gateway to higher education, so they are important. Doing your best in school at every level is important. Graduating from high school is critical in today's economy. While you are finishing the final years of your secondary education, please think about your next steps. What career path will you choose?
Remember, almost all of us end up working in some type of business. Employers need people that can read, write, and work with numbers; but usually in different contexts than traditional academic class work. This website is designed to extend school-based-learning to the world-of-work and help students get ready and qualify for professional preparation programs after high school and work-based-learning.
Organizing Gmail: Tips 'N Tricks
Like it or not, email is often the cornerstone of your personal,
school, and professional communications. As a result,
there are hundreds of people vying for attention in your inbox.
That makes sifting through new emails—and finding the important
ones later—a daunting task.
Fortunately, if you’re a Gmail user, there are dozens of ways to customize, sort, and arrange the app to make it markedly more manageable. Here’s a crash course on organizing, searching, and automating Gmail, delivered in four sections. Below are more links that may help:
Dress for Success: Business Attire