Business & Personal Law

The scales of justiceMany adults reflect back on their lives and wonder why they did not learn basic business and personal law concepts in their core high school classes. Every adult American is assumed to know the law, but it is a complex subject that is very difficult to research in-detail.

We can always hire attorneys, but that costs hundreds of dollars for each and every hour they work for us. Taking a law class in high school may be the most valuable course some high school offers. Why?

Because the law demands that we comply whether we understand it or not -- and this applies to all employment issues,  contracts and agreements we make as well.

 The South Western/Cengage companion website has many interactive and supplemental resources.  Glencoe/McGraw-Hill has the strongest business law resources.  Their book Business & Personal Law  has a great companion website that offers a links to a glossary of legal terms, debate tips N tricks, and a Radio Glencoe podcast series

I have also put together a list of free online law research sites.  The best way to learn law is by doing projects on real cases, many coming from this list of 80 Supreme Court Decisions (downloadable, printable, .pdf)

Free Online Legal Resources

  1. Laws & Their Ethical Foundations
  2. Constitutional Rights
  3. Court Systems
  4. Criminal Law & Procedures
  5. Civil Law & Procedures
  6. Unit 1 Review (downloadable, printable 3 pg .pdf) or MS Word file
  7. Contract Law
  8. Unit 2 Review
  9. Real (tangible) & Personal (tangible or intangible) Property
  10. Intellectual Property
  11. Unit 3 Review
  12. Employment Law
  13. Legal Forms of Business Organization
  14. Law Research Sites
  15. Supreme Court of the United States Studies Decisions (.pdf)

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